MICTSETA Learnership Programme | Apply with Grade 12. Great Opportunity

MICTSETA Learnership Programme | Apply with Grade 12

MICTSETA Learnership Programme
A Learnership is a work-based education and training programme that is linked to a qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Learnerships are occupationally directed programmes that consist of both structured theoretical learning and practical workplace experience.
A Learnership is a work-based education and training programme that is linked to a qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Learnerships are occupationally directed programmes that consist of both structured theoretical learning and practical workplace experience.
What are the benefits of learnerships?
For the Learner:
- Provide easy access to learning;
- Increase access to employment opportunities;
- Assist in Career-Pathing and Self-development;
- Provide a monthly stipend to learners while they learn;
- Lead to the acquisition of a formal qualification; and
- Serve as an entrance into the industry for unemployed learners.
For the Employer:
- Provide skilled and experienced workers;
- Assist in the development of competent staff;
- Contribute to empowerment credentials and BB-BEE points for the company;
- Produce knowledgeable and competent employees who require less supervision;
- Lead to improved workplace productivity and quality outcomes;
- A vehicle to address employment equity targets; and
- Help fill identified skills gaps.
For the Industry:
- Help industry to become competitive in the global market;
- Build a pool of skilled, qualified & more professional workforce; and
- Develop their people to world-class standards.
Who participates in a learnership?
A learnership involves three main parties:
- The learner/s
- The training provider/s
- The employer/s
How to apply for a learnership?
Although the SETA facilitates the recruitment and implementation of learnerships, the responsibility lies with the employer, the service provider and training provider to recruit learners.
For more information on learnership programmes, please contact Potego Magolego at cv@mict.org.za.
MICTSETA Learnership Programme